The demand for making aluminum circle cookware is high,bunu neden yapabiliriz?? Gelişmiş ekipman ve sıkı yönetim, ürünlerin mükemmel kalitesine katkıda bulunur.

Alüminyum Çember üst düzey otomobil lastiğindeki metal bir halkadır, üst düzey araca uygulanan önyargı, alüminyum malzeme hafiftir, Güzel. Özel bir gümüş jet arabasıyla, vernikten sonra daha parlak. Araba lastiği olarak, sertliği sapmadır, easily deformed, but can be repaired.

  1. Aluminum Circle has wide range of selection, including customized size and shape.
  2. Excellent spinning quality and deep drawing.
  3. High quality surface lighting reflectors.
  4. It is good protection packaging.
  5. We can supply 6mm thickness aluminum circles, and can be used as cookware handle.

stainless steel bottom aluminum circles

Aluminum round circles are widely used in electronics, günlük kimyasallar, ilaç, culture, education and auto parts, elektrik, ısı yalıtımı, mechanical manufacturing, architecture, baskı ve diğer endüstriler. Such as kitchen utensils, non stick pan, pressure cooker and other hardware products. Aluminum circle is one of the most used aluminum alloy plate and strip deep processing products.

There are many kinds of its type, according to the different categories have different forms, according to the shape classification, we can divided into aluminum tube, round tube, oval tube and so on. According to appearance, we can divided it into patterns of environmental protection tube, pure aluminum. Because there are many kinds of classification, so that we can meet in most cases, and no matter in what kind of situation, it can play corrosion resistance, hafif. When in use, it can play great advantage. Not only the installation is simple, at the same time with advantages of energy saving, obvious heat insulation effect.