หลังจากที่แผ่นวงกลมอลูมิเนียมอัลลอยด์ถูกรีดและอบอ่อนแล้ว, การวางแนวผลึกศาสตร์ของอนุภาคจะเปลี่ยนไปในระดับหนึ่ง, และพิกัดแมนเดรลจะเบี่ยงเบนไป. ค่าเบี่ยงเบนนี้จะคงที่ตามปริมาณของการเสียรูปหรือระดับของการตกผลึกซ้ำในระหว่างกระบวนการรีด. ในเวลานี้, the part of the aluminum sheet that forms a different angle with the rolling direction will have different properties. This is called anisotropy. If the anisotropy is very strong, it is not conducive to the deep drawing of the aluminum wafer, so it is necessary to take measures to reduce the anisotropy of aluminum wafers.

cold rolling aluminum circle
Understanding the factors that affect the structure of the aluminum wafer, and then making adjustments to these influencing factors, is the fastest and most effective way to implement.

1, alloying elements

Generally speaking, the higher the purity of the alloy, the fewer impurity components it contains, and the resulting texture is pure metallic, which will have a stronger cubic texture after annealing. If the content of iron in aluminum flakes increases, the deformation texture will be enhanced and recrystallization will be restricted. If the recrystallization process is inhibited, the cubic structure of the aluminum sheet will be weakened during annealing, and the annealing texture will be strengthened at this time. Generally speaking, the combination of high-silicon and low-iron alloys will have a smaller ear-making rate. If the content of iron increases while the content of silicon decreases, significant deformation texture will occur at this time.

2, Rolling deformation

The texture of the aluminum alloy sheet depends on the value of the amount of cold deformation, which has a direct impact on the texture, anisotropy, and ear-making behavior of the aluminum sheet. If the reduction rate of the sheet is greater than 50%, the deformation texture of the sheet will develop significantly. If the reduction rate continues to increase, the strength of the deformation texture will increase. If the reduction of the hot rolling pass is increased during hot rolling, It will increase the rolling temperature, and the dynamic recrystallization will happen quickly. ในเวลาเดียวกัน, the cubic orientation during annealing will also increase. ในเวลานี้, the cubic texture will increase, which can effectively reduce the anisotropy of the aluminum plate.

3, Influence of heat treatment system

Adding metal will change the original properties. If the manganese-containing aluminum alloy is homogenized, the distribution of the second phase can be improved, and the cubic texture during hot rolling and annealing can be formed. The size of the recrystallized grains depends on the distribution and shape of the particles, the forming of the sheet, the metal flow during deep drawing, the rolling and annealing structure, ฯลฯ. will also be affected.

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