Les cercles en aluminium sont largement utilisés dans les composants d'équipements électroniques, produits chimiques quotidiens, pièces automobiles, appareils électroménagers, appareils de cuisine et de nombreuses autres industries. Ils constituent l'un des plus grands produits de traitement en profondeur de tôles et de bandes d'alliage d'aluminium.. Dans ces applications, batterie de cuisine, comme produit le plus concentré avec des cercles/disques en aluminium, is actively improving the manufacturing level to ensure the optimization of process performance, so that cercle en aluminium show more advantages in the manufacture of cookware.

Pourquoi les cercles en aluminium sont le meilleur choix pour la fabrication d'ustensiles de cuisine

According to incomplete statistics, about half of the world’s cooking utensils are made of aluminum. The thermal efficiency of cooking is as high as 93%, while stainless steel and cast iron are only 1/3 of aluminum. The use of aluminum circles to manufacture cookware will greatly increase the physical and chemical properties of cookware, making the electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, heat resistance, etc.. of cookware The characteristics can be improved very well, providing a guarantee for a good diet.

The production process of cooking utensils mainly includes cutting, stretching, splicing, whole bottoming and cleaning. In the blanking process, the metal materials produced by the cookware are first screened. Since the cookware needs to maintain good thermal conductivity, and the chemical properties of the drug are stabilized during the high-temperature barbecue process, the metal materials produced by the cookware have a strict scope of investigation.

It is precisely because the aluminum-manganese alloy disc can fuse the characteristics of the elements in the alloy in the manufacture of the cookware to achieve better process performance, which makes the aluminum circles/discs the best choice for the aluminum manufacture of cookware in many materials.