La première étape: surface pretreatment of cercle de disque en aluminium

The pretreatment stage is an important step for aluminum wafers, and for anodizing aluminum disc circles, cette étape détermine la qualité de finition et l'aspect final de la pièce anodisée. Ceux-ci incluent l'élimination des contaminants tels que la saleté et la graisse sur la surface du cercle de disque en aluminium., ce qui peut gêner l'élimination de défauts mineurs de surface. Process chemical or mechanical methods can be performed as a pre-anodizing treatment.


Step 2: Chemical pretreatment of aluminum disc circle

Chemical pretreatment mainly uses a variety of chemical solutions to remove dirt and grease (through acid or alkaline cleaners) as well as surface oxides and heat-treated scales (deoxidizers), which are difficult to clean thoroughly. Afterward, an etching or brightening step is performed to modify the surface texture, resulting in a unique appearance. This involves two operating steps, one is to create a glossy surface or finish the matte surface through an etching step. This step removes a uniform layer from the surface of the aluminum part, thereby reducing minor surface defects. Etching is done by dipping the part in hot sodium hydroxide or trisodium phosphate (alkali etching) or an aqueous solution of ammonium bifluoride (acidic etching).

Step 3: Aluminum disc circle mechanical pretreatment

In addition to the surface and chemical treatment of the aluminum wafers, a final mechanical pretreatment is required. Includes procedures such as abrasive polishing, sandblasting, and shot peening exposure. The purpose of the last step is mainly to improve the fatigue resistance, hardness, and coating adhesion of the aluminum parts. Good coating adhesion of the aluminum disc circle is necessary for the stability of the coating.